Feb 24
Unveiling the Marvels of Mangroves
When our Malizia - Seaexplorer rounds Guadeloupe in races such as the Route du Rhum or finishes the Transat Jacques Vabre in Martinique, our team frequently sails past a coastal ecosystem whose astonishing powers have only recently been better understood: mangroves. Despite serving as nature’s coastal guardians and carbon capture heroes, mangroves are under threat. Team Malizia is actively working to turn the tide and protect this invaluable ecosystem.
by Hélène Katz

Mangrove forests are coastal ecosystems growing mainly in tropical and subtropical regions
© Uli Kunz | Malizia Mangrove Park

Mangroves protect the coast, prevent erosion and destruction of coral reef, and are a habitat to many species
© Uli Kunz | Malizia Mangrove Park

Local residents are hired to plant mangroves in the Malizia Mangrove Park, thus providing them a better income.
© Uli Kunz | Malizia Mangrove Park

Mangrove seedlings ready to be planted in the Malizia Mangrove Park
© Uli Kunz | Malizia Mangrove Park

The upbringing of seedlings in the nurseries and the planting operations are overseen by students and forest managers of the Mama Earth Foundation
© Uli Kunz | Malizia Mangrove Park